Saturday, March 10, 2012

Marco! Marco! Polo??

Here lately I feel like I've been playing a one sided game of Marco-Polo with my abs. I yell Marco but they are not responding! I have been reading Women's Health religiously for the past few days, and I've run across some great articles. One of my favorites in this issue has been "Sexy to the Core". It's about encouraging those pesky abs out of hiding. Here is a section of the article I found really interesting.

Mind Over Menu
     You consume 36 percent more calories at a restaurant than when you eat at home. But these three simple strategies will help you decrease the damage.

1.) Pass on bread - Ask your server to remove the bread basket from the table. Each dinner roll can have 100 calories or more.

2.) Go green - It's very hard to overeat vegetables, but rice, potatoes, pasta, and bread are carbohydrate-and calorie-dense foods that can sabotage your weight-loss goals. If your meal comes with fries or chips, ask if you can swap them for a veggie like raw carrot sticks.

3.) Stay dry - Ask for sauces and salad dressings on the side. That way, you can add them as needed and avoid the excessive amounts most restaurants dish out.

**My weak spot is sweet tea. Try to get water, but if you need that fix, order un-sweet and go light on the Splenda!

On Women's Health website I also found a good article about the benefits of having a solid, strong core. As if looking good in a bikini this summer wasn't enough motivation, here are a few other reasons to strive for that flat tummy. People with a strong core are:

25% less likely to develop heart disease
35% less likely to have a heart attack
41% less likely to develop high blood pressure
40% less likely to develop kidney cancer
60% less likely to develop gallstones
14% less likely to develop osteoarthritis

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