I have decided that after this workout my legs feel like frozen jell-o. I know that doesn't make sense, but hear me out on this. When I start walking it feels like my legs are going to give out, but they are too stiff to actually buckle. It is a very strange feeling! I love it though. It let's me know that I hit the workout hard and did it right.
10 minute warm-up on treadmill
- Pace: 4.0 Incline: 8.0
- I thought my calves were on fire!
- 2 warm-up sets followed by 3 sets of 10
- Both Cory and I had an awesome day on the squat rack! I was only getting 5 reps with 95lbs last week, but I got 10 all three times this week. I was pumped. Tired, but pumped!
- Since I've provided an alternative to deadlifts, I will now provide an alternative to squats. Remember that kettle bell we are going to start using for swings? Well you can also use it for squats. If you just really don't feel comfortable putting that much weight on your back, this is an excellent replacement exercise. Here are two variations of a kettle bell squat.
Leg raises
- 3 sets max reps
- Bring your legs as low to the ground as you can get them without actually touching the ground. You really feel that burn in your lower abdominal when you get lower to the ground with your legs.
Leg extension machine
- 1 set Tabata
- Ah, it burns!! 8 sets in 4 minutes is just insane, but I wish you could see my legs after I get done doing this exercise. I'll take a picture next time. They look insanely muscular.
- On a side note, I suggest downloading a Tabata timer on your phone if you have that capability. Here is what mine looks like:
- The eight circles in the middle will light up one at a time as you complete your action and rest period. The timer beeps letting you know when to start and when to rest.
Side planks/regular planks
- 3 sets of 20 / 3 sets of max time
- So the reason I put both is that I think girls would enjoy a side plank and guys would rather do regular planks. That is not to say that either gender cannot do the other exercise. The side plank is just a little more feminine in motion.
- The regular plank is easy to explain. You get into a pushup position and hold it. If your shoulders are not very strong you can rest on your forearms. Always keep your back straight. No sagging or arching.
- The side plank involves movement and really works the obliques. I mentioned this one in the last blog involving abs.
One-leg calf raises
- 3 sets of 25
- These are the raises that only require your body weight. No machines. Find some stairs and raise your self up and down on your toes. I think these hurt almost more than a machine with weight added.
Ab bench
- 3 sets of max reps
- You didn't think I was going to do an ab day without hitting this machine did you??
Notes from Courtney: This is one of my favorite days now. I love ab routines, especially now that I am seeing good results. The "pooch" is still there, but lines are starting to faintly show. I hope if you are following along with us that you are starting to get results too. Just remember that a good diet has a lot to do with the results that you see. Working out does not give you an excuse to eat whatever you want. If you keep the diet clean and continue to workout you will definitely get where you want to be faster.
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