I am ashamed to say that my lack of blogs is due to my lack of time spent at the gym. The reason behind my absence is embarrassing! My mom moved out of our house, and now I am a rent paying American. I budgeted poorly this first month on my own so I decided to skimp on what I was eating. Bad idea! I became less motivated in the gym, and my workouts were lack luster. On Monday, I attempted to work out after only having a bowl of oatmeal in a 6 hour span of time. My blood sugar dropped. I was useless. I even hurt my back trying to do squats that were normally the right weight, but were too heavy for my hungry body. I had money, but I was being paranoid about bills. Bills can wait, people. Moral of the story? Don't be a penny pincher when it comes to your health!
This blog is about......eating! Good segue, huh? Eating is actually a hobby of mine. The good Lord blessed me with a fast metabolism (don't hate). However, I now understand that there is a difference between skinny fat and skinny fit. Before I started working out, I was skinny fat. I ate everything in sight and never really showed it. Now I am more conscious about what I eat, and I consider myself to be on the path to skinny fit.
I know that a lot of people do not have a lightening fast metabolism. We can speed up our metabolism with certain foods, though.
A lot of these foods make great snacks at work too! I suggest a glass of cold water and a clementine. They are my favorite citrus fruit! Apples also boost your metabolism as well, they just didn't make it in the picture for some reason!
Speaking of snacking...it is one of my weaknessess. I work 3pm until 11pm Wednesday-Sunday at a sit down job. Snacking becomes a bad habit. However, after a little research (Pinterest) I have found a few snacks that are okay to munch on.
Again, apples did not make it to this list but they generally run around the 80 calorie range.
Okay so let's say you get invited to a friend's Super Bowl party. You decide not to resist the spicy chili, the chips and dip, the 900ft sub sandwich, and the little cocktail weiners floating in the delicious smelling sauce. I mean, I don't blame you! Who wants to be "that guy" that everyone feels self-conscious eating in front of?! You've been eating apples, unsalted popcorn, and brocolli! Of course you will be tempted by the sweet savory smells of fatty goodness. Don't freak out later on if you do partake in the festivities! Here are some ways to counteract your cheat.
Look for a workout blog tomorrow! I promise I'll have one up.
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