Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Legs, calves, and abs

I know I’ve been slacking on the blog, but I’ve not been slacking in the gym! I just haven’t had a chance to really sit down and write lately. I do have some good news though. I lost 3 pounds! All I did was switch my regular bread to 14 grain whole wheat, my regular peanut butter to low sodium, and my 1% milk to skim. I shed those pounds in just a week too. These were just small changes. I’m sure if I chose whole grain bread instead of whole wheat and went with tasteless low-fat all natural peanut butter I’d see even more pounds lost. However, I refuse to give up taste for pounds. I don’t want to be miserable. If you can live with those bigger changes though..do it! I’m just a picky eater! I really don’t feel like going back to the last day I had a blog and working my way forward, so today’s blog will pick up with what I did yesterday.
10 minute warm up
     -  Instead of trudging my minutes away on the hamster wheel, I decided to do a brisk walk outside. I can actually walk to the gym from Cory’s house so that worked. It was too beautiful of a day to not walk outside.

     -  2 warm up sets, 3 sets of 12-15 reps
     -  My knees been giving me some problems so Cory has put me on a lower weight/higher rep routine. I like this a lot better actually. Instead of trying to handle a lot of weight, I just use what is comfortable and do as many reps as I can with that. I still get a great burn in my legs too.

Ab bench
     -  3 sets of 20
     - My old faithful standby! I don’t know why I love this machine so much, but I do. I think it’s because I always feel the burn and the effects.

Leg extensions
     -  3 sets of 20
     -  Because of the knee issue I started doing lower weight/higher reps on this exercise too. I was walking on shaky legs after I got done. That many reps will wear you out! If you want to just keep doing it how we were then just up the weight and lower the reps to 10.

Ab bench
     -  3 sets of 20
     -  Your stomach probably feels like you have a knot in it by now, but keep going. Be proud of yourself for doing 120 weighted crunches!

Seated calf-raises
     -  3 sets of 15-20
     -  I absolutely hate calf raises! Probably because my calves are so weak. They hurt so bad today I can’t even point my toe! Unfortunately that means I need to do more of them. My goal is 20 reps, but right now I’m holding steady at 15. Once I hit 20 on every set I’ll amp up the weight.

Dumbbell side bend
     -  3 sets of 15 on both sides
     -  I love working out my obliques. They are a difficult muscle to work, but the effects are always worth it. It is one of the worst places to be sore in my opinion though!

Notes from Courtney: Unfortunately by switching up the foods I eat I have proven that saying I hate so much: "Abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym." I always knew that weight loss is 80% diet, but I always thought I could out exercise a semi-bad diet. I have been eating pretty well, but clearly by just making a few changes I see there is room for improvement. We'll see how that goes. I might just work out harder so I can keep my tasty peanut butter :-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

8 Week Follow-Up

Cory and I finally found time to do measurements and photos. I was going to do it two weeks ago, but we just didn't have the time! I'm going to go ahead and warn you. The pictures do not look that different. I was actually disappointed after seeing them because I feel so different! However, my measurements really show a lot more progress than the pictures.

Weight: 125 (same)
Chest: 33 ½ (+1 inch) 
  Waist: 28 ½  (-1¾ inch)
    Hips: 37 ½ (-½ inch)
    Thigh: 21 ½   (-½ inch)
     Calf: 13 ¾  (same) 
       Arm: 10 ½  (same)      Notes from Courtney: Do you see what I mean about my pictures? My measurements really make me happy though! I had noticed my pants were fitting loosely, but I had no idea that I had lost that much through my hips and waist. As you can see I have not lost weight on the scale, but Cory was quick to remind me that I've gained quite a bit of muscle. I carry most of my fat in my lower body and that's where I have lost the most inches wise. I clearly need to be focusing on my arms and calves more. Cory is already working on a new workout that will hit those areas harder. Overall, I am pretty happy with where I am at after 8 weeks. I have dropped a pant size and built a lot of muscle in my torso. It's not really clear in the picture, but I also can already see the faint outline of my top abs. My next weigh in and measurements will be in 4 weeks after I try a few different things. I'll be sure to keep you updated as much as possible on what workouts we are doing each day.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Crazy Lower Back Workout

I have not had a computer so I am a little behind on the blog! I'll try to get you caught up on what I've been doing. I felt reallly good on the day I did this workout, and so it took a while to complete because I added a few more exercises. I'm going to go ahead and warn you that you will think that you are going to die after the 3rd exercise. Your lower back will probably tighten up, but it will loosen up after a few minutes, don't worry!

10 minute warm-up
     - Pace: 3.5  Incline: 7.0
     - Get a good burn in your legs for this workout.

Kettle bell swings
     - 3 sets of 10
     - Grab a 10lb kettle bell and start swinging. If you have not done these before look for a 5lb kettle bell to start with first.

Ab bench
     - 3 sets of max reps
     - These stretch out your back after the kettle bell exercise which really helps with any stiffness you might feel.

Hyper extensions
     - 3 sets of 15
     - Ahhh...after I got done with these I kinda thought I was crippled for life. However, they really pumped my back up and my muscles stood out which looked cool!
     - If you want to take these to the next level you can hold a plate to your chest.
Leg raises
     - 3 sets of max reps
     - I'm really beginning to love this ab exercise. I am noticing a definite change in my lower belly.

     - 3 sets of 10
     - Really push yourself on this exercise. They give such awesome results that you don't want to miss out on them. These work so many muscles! Your backside will be looking good after doing these once a week.
Kettle bell side bends
     - 3 sets of 10 both sides
     - I couldn't bend over or shift very far the next day because of these. That tells me that I don't work my obliques nearly enough! Grab a 5 or 10lb kettle bell (or dumbbell) and hold it in one hand by your side. Bend sideways at the waste until the kettle bell reaches your knee then stand back up.

Butt blaster machine
     - 3 sets of 10 both legs
     - I think the actual name for this machine is "kick-back", but I like butt blaster better. The one at my gym looks a tad different, but the general idea is the same.
     - Your butt muscles will hate you after this exercise! Those were the muscles that were most sore the next day I think.

Side planks
     - 3 sets of 15 both sides
     - I am obsessed with this new exercise. Once my core gets stronger I think that I will see more results from my other workouts too. This exercise plus the kettle bell side bends will make you one sore lady in the morning, but it is soooo worth it!

Hamstring curl
     - 3 sets of 10
     - I hate this machine. It makes me feel so weak. I know it just means that I need to work on my hamstrings, but I still hate that feeling. All you do is lay down and literally kick yourself in the butt.

Notes from Courtney: I really enjoyed this workout. I felt like I really got a lot accomplished. If you do not have the time to do the full workout; I suggest the kettle bell swings, leg raises, hamstring curls, and kettle bell side bends. That way you get in lower back, hamstrings, and abs. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thighs, Calves, and Abs

I have decided that after this workout my legs feel like frozen jell-o. I know that doesn't make sense, but hear me out on this. When I start walking it feels like my legs are going to give out, but they are too stiff to actually buckle. It is a very strange feeling! I love it though. It let's me know that I hit the workout hard and did it right.

10 minute warm-up on treadmill
     - Pace: 4.0  Incline: 8.0
     - I thought my calves were on fire!

     - 2 warm-up sets followed by 3 sets of 10
     - Both Cory and I had an awesome day on the squat rack! I was only getting 5 reps with 95lbs last week, but I got 10 all three times this week. I was pumped. Tired, but pumped!
     - Since I've provided an alternative to deadlifts, I will now provide an alternative to squats. Remember that kettle bell we are going to start using for swings? Well you can also use it for squats. If you just really don't feel comfortable putting that much weight on your back, this is an excellent replacement exercise. Here are two variations of a kettle bell squat.
Leg raises
     - 3 sets max reps
     - Bring your legs as low to the ground as you can get them without actually touching the ground. You really feel that burn in your lower abdominal when you get lower to the ground with your legs.

Leg extension machine
     - 1 set Tabata
     - Ah, it burns!! 8 sets in 4 minutes is just insane, but I wish you could see my legs after I get done doing this exercise. I'll take a picture next time. They look insanely muscular.
     - On a side note, I suggest downloading a Tabata timer on your phone if you have that capability. Here is what mine looks like:

     - The eight circles in the middle will light up one at a time as you complete your action and rest period. The timer beeps letting you know when to start and when to rest.

Side planks/regular planks
     - 3 sets of 20 / 3 sets of max time
     - So the reason I put both is that I think girls would enjoy a side plank and guys would rather do regular planks. That is not to say that either gender cannot do the other exercise. The side plank is just a little more feminine in motion.
     - The regular plank is easy to explain. You get into a pushup position and hold it. If your shoulders are not very strong you can rest on your forearms. Always keep your back straight. No sagging or arching.

     - The side plank involves movement and really works the obliques. I mentioned this one in the last blog involving abs.

One-leg calf raises
     - 3 sets of 25
     - These are the raises that only require your body weight. No machines. Find some stairs and raise your self up and down on your toes. I think these hurt almost more than a machine with weight added.

Ab bench
     - 3 sets of max reps
     - You didn't think I was going to do an ab day without hitting this machine did you??

Notes from Courtney: This is one of my favorite days now. I love ab routines, especially now that I am seeing good results. The "pooch" is still there, but lines are starting to faintly show. I hope if you are following along with us that you are starting to get results too. Just remember that a good diet has a lot to do with the results that you see. Working out does not give you an excuse to eat whatever you want. If you keep the diet clean and continue to workout you will definitely get where you want to be faster.

Arms and Shoulders (quick routine)

So I am just now getting around to writing the blog from February 3rd! I have been incredibly busy lately, and I just now got a chance to sit down and write it all out. This was my first full workout by myself on this new schedule, and I think it went really well! I thought I would give up easy and/or not finish my workout at all. I normally need extra motivation, but I did it all the way through! Here is what I did...

10 minute warm-up on treadmill
     - Pace: 4.0  Incline: 7.5

Shoulder raises
     - 3 sets of 10
     - I don't think I've ever showed you this exercise before. If I have I can't remember, and I'm too lazy to go back and look. Shoulder raises consist of three different exercises that you do back to back without rest. So you do all three sets of 10 and then rest. Do that three times.
     - The first movement is a side lateral dumbbell raise. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms down by your sides with your palms turned inward. Raise your arms straight out beside you. That is one rep.
     - The second movement is a front lateral dumbbell raise. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms down in front of you with your palms facing toward you. Raise one or both arms straight out in front of you. That is one rep.
     - The final exercise is a dumbbell row. I've showed you this before, but here is a refresher. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart with your knees bent and lean forward keeping your back flat. The picture explains it better than I can!
     - Do not use an excessive amount of weight for this exercise. 8lbs was about all I could handle.
Pull downs
     - 3 sets of 10 reps
     - The machine I used for this exercise looks like this:
Tricep extensions
     - 3 sets of 10
     - These are the extensions where you lay on your back and bring the dumbbell back over your head and back up again. These really blast away all that extra arm flab that keeps shaking after you stop waving. Again, 8lbs is a good weight for this because your arms will get very tired and very sore very quickly!

Cable curl
     - 3 sets of 10 reps
     - This exercise is on the cable machine. The bar needs to be in the lowest position so you can curl it upward.
     - I ran into my first problem working out alone while doing this exercise. Someone had pushed the bar all the way to the top of the machine, and I couldn't reach it to put it in the position I needed it to be in. I had to ask some tall guy on the machine next to me for help. Short people problems!

Notes from Courtney: I was actually really impressed with the jump in my numbers. My shoulders and arms have always been a weak point for me so I'm glad to finally see some progress. My spaghetti noodles are finally getting some definition! All-in-all it was a good first workout alone. I stayed focused for the most part, and I replayed a few of Cory's pep talks in my head when I felt like going home early.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Lower back and abs (NEW ab routine!)

It's amazing what a good meal will do for your performance in the gym! I had a good solid breakfast and a healthy snack which resulted in me being a mad-woman during the workout. I was pulling up deadlifts a lot easier than I have been! I am a little worried about measurements tomorrow though. I slacked off pretty bad in the gym so I'm afraid my measurements and weight will reflect that. We'll see!

On a side note, I will now be partnerless in the gym on Thursdays and Fridays. Cory needed more sleep during his work week so I'll be hitting the gym alone on those days. I am using this blog as my motivation to keep going. I hate working out by myself, but I can't exactly stop doing this blog now can I? I have 1 maybe 2 people who possibly read this! The big girl panties are being put on as we speak, and I WILL go to the gym all by myself! Unless someone wants to go with me in which case that is totally cool with me...

10 minute warm-up on treadmill
     - Pace: 4.0  Incline: 7.5
     - That's right ladies and gentlemen! It is go time on the warm-ups. Amp it up and get a really good burn in those legs.

     - 2 warm-up sets followed by 3 work sets of 8-10 reps
     - Do you hear the hallelujah chorus singing? You should! Now that I am working out alone on lower back day, Cory has cut out deadlifts! Yay! Instead I will be doing kettle bell swings. I'll show you pictures of that next Thursday.

Side Planks
     - 3 sets of 15 (both sides)
     - We are switching up the ab routine a little bit. This painful, yet effective, exercise targets your core and those pesky obliques.
My core is not strong enough to start out doing this so what I do is bring that top foot in front of that bottom knee making a 90 degree angle with my leg. It stablizes you, and you still get the full effect of the exercise. Swap elbows and do the same thing for the other side. You really feel a good burn on your sides when you get done!

3 sets of 12-15 reps
      - Once we start doing kettle bell swings instead of deadlifts we will swap out pull-throughs for hyperextensions. The pull-through and kettle bell swing are pretty much the same motion and it will be redudant. However, if you choose to keep doing deadlifts keep doing pull-throughs too.

Leg lifts
- 3 sets of max reps
      - We can't forget the lower abs either, so we are going to keep doing leg lifts! Try to contain your excitement.

Notes from Courtney: If you are feeling froggy, I recommend throwing in an extra exercise at the end of this workout. Maybe if you did the hyper extensions go ahead and do a set or two of the pull throughs just for an added kick! That's it for today. I should have another workout up tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Eating...it's good for you!

I am ashamed to say that my lack of blogs is due to my lack of time spent at the gym. The reason behind my absence is embarrassing! My mom moved out of our house, and now I am a rent paying American. I budgeted poorly this first month on my own so I decided to skimp on what I was eating. Bad idea! I became less motivated in the gym, and my workouts were lack luster. On Monday, I attempted to work out after only having a bowl of oatmeal in a 6 hour span of time. My blood sugar dropped. I was useless. I even hurt my back trying to do squats that were normally the right weight, but were too heavy for my hungry body. I had money, but I was being paranoid about bills. Bills can wait, people. Moral of the story? Don't be a penny pincher when it comes to your health!

This blog is about......eating! Good segue, huh? Eating is actually a hobby of mine. The good Lord blessed me with a fast metabolism (don't hate). However, I now understand that there is a difference between skinny fat and skinny fit. Before I started working out, I was skinny fat. I ate everything in sight and never really showed it. Now I am more conscious about what I eat, and I consider myself to be on the path to skinny fit.

I know that a lot of people do not have a lightening fast metabolism. We can speed up our metabolism with certain foods, though.

A lot of these foods make great snacks at work too! I suggest a glass of cold water and a clementine. They are my favorite citrus fruit! Apples also boost your metabolism as well, they just didn't make it in the picture for some reason!

Speaking of snacking...it is one of my weaknessess. I work 3pm until 11pm Wednesday-Sunday at a sit down job. Snacking becomes a bad habit. However, after a little research (Pinterest) I have found a few snacks that are okay to munch on.

Again, apples did not make it to this list but they generally run around the 80 calorie range.

Okay so let's say you get invited to a friend's Super Bowl party. You decide not to resist the spicy chili, the chips and dip, the 900ft sub sandwich, and the little cocktail weiners floating in the delicious smelling sauce. I mean, I don't blame you! Who wants to be "that guy" that everyone feels self-conscious eating in front of?! You've been eating apples, unsalted popcorn, and brocolli! Of course you will be tempted by the sweet savory smells of fatty goodness. Don't freak out later on if you do partake in the festivities! Here are some ways to counteract your cheat.

Look for a workout blog tomorrow! I promise I'll have one up.