Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Week: Day 1 - Upper Back

Cory switched it up on me today. Instead of lower back and abs I did upper back exercises. I was grateful for the switch because I was in a hurry and the upper back takes much less time than the lower back! I had to cut it even shorter than normal, but a short workout is better than no workout at all. If you don't remember what some of these exercises look like refer to Day 2: Upper back.

10 minute warm-up on treadmill
     - Last week I only did a 5 minute warm-up, but I was really tired this morning so I needed a good wake-me-up!
     - Pace: 3  Incline: 5

T-bar rows
     - 2 warm-up sets
     - 3 sets of 8-10 reps
     - I went up 5lbs on this exercise from last week. I love when I'm able to add weight because it gives me a feeling that progress is being made.

Pull downs
     - 3 sets of 8-10 reps
     - I also went up in weight on this exercise. Last week I knew I could have done more, but I was tentative to go up in weight because I wasn't sure if I could do it. I talked myself into it this week, and I realized that I just wasn't pushing myself hard enough. If you think you can do usually can!

Push ups
     - 3 sets of max reps
     - I am still sticking with the girl push ups until I feel more confident. I made it to 18 today on one of my sets. My goal is 25 push ups a set before I start doing a full plank.

Notes from Courtney: I almost hated putting this one up because it was so short. However, I made a lot of progress from last week. I went up in weight on every exercise today. I was dragging this morning though. It's amazing how important a good night's sleep is to having a good workout. 

Another reason for my lack of motivation this morning was my lack of a workout partner. Cory had to work so it was just me today. I actually considered not going. I am definitely a partner kind of person. I need someone to hold me accountable and remind me what I am working towards. There are pros and cons to having a workout partner, but in my opinion the pros out weigh the cons. The only pro is that I get done quicker without a partner. Without a partner though I slack off. I need that extra voice telling me to do one more. I probably could have pumped out a few more push ups or put some extra weight on my T-bar row. I like chatting during breaks, discussing form, and planning out meals. When I don't have a partner I just get in and get out without focusing on what I'm doing at all. If you are better at working alone and want to be in and out of the gym quickly, I don't recommend utilizing a partner. If you are like me though having a partner might be your best bet for meeting your goals!

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